
Bringen yoo de classic litritia au de wull in Kiaribian Inglish vosian

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De Holy Biebl in chree vosian:

A Kiaribian Vosian Vol. 1 - 4
A Caribbean English translation of the Christian Bible

A Jamaikian Vosian Vol. 1 - 4
A Jamaican English version of the Christian Bible

A I-aric Vosian Vol. 1 - 4
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Excerpt: Soloman's Song of Songs in Caribbean English


Kianticl ova kianticl Chapta 1


1:1. Leh him kiss me wid de kiss au he' moutt: faw yoo' bress dai betta dan wien,

1:2. Smellen sweet au de bess ointment. Yoo' naim dai as oil pour out: becozaudis young maidn-gheol doun lov yoo.

1:3. Draw me: we gho run afta yoo to de sweet-smell au yoo' ointment. De king doun bring me in in he' stohroom: we gho dai glad an rejois in yoo, remembahen yoo' bress mo dan wien: de righteous lov yoo.

1:4. Ah dai black an beutiful, O alyoo dawta au Jerusalem, as dem tent in Cedaa, as dem cuhtain faw Soloman.

1:5. Dho consida me dhat Ah dai broung, becoz de sun doun alta me' coula: dem son au me' modha doun fight againts me, dhey doun maik me de keepa in dem vienghiaadn: me' own vienghiaadn Ah een keep.

1:6. Show me, O yoo hooh me' soul lov, waih yoo doz feed, waih yoo doz laydoung in de midday, lehs Ah staatout to waunda afta dem flock au yoo' companian.

1:7. If yoo dho noh yoo' self, O faihris mong ooman, go owt, an follow afta de step au dem flock, an feed yoo' kid andem besied de tent au dem shephod.

1:8. To me' company au hossman, in Pharoah' chariot andem, Ah doun liekn yoo, O me' lov.

1:9. Yoo' cheek dai beutiful as de tutldov' own, yoo' neck as jewel.

1:10. We gho maik faw yoo chain au gohl, inlay wid silva.

1:11. Whiel de king dee dai in he' repoez, me' spieknaad senn owt de sweet-smell waih-daigh.

1:12. A bundl au muhh me' chue-lov dai to me, he gho abied between me' bress.

1:13. A clusta au cypress me' lov dai to me, in dem vienghiaadn au Engaddi.

1:14. Lookhow yoo dai faih, O me' lov, lookhow yoo dai faih, yoo' iey dai as dem-daigh on dov.

1:15. Lookhow yoo dai faih, me' chue-lov, an pretty. We' bed dai flourishen.

1:16. Dem beam au we' houss dai from cedaa, we' rafta from cypress tree.



Kianticl ova kianticl Chapta 2


2:1. Ah dai de flowa in de fheel, an de lily in de valley.

2:2. As de lily mong taun, so me' lov dai mong dem dawta.

2:3. As de apl tree mong dem tree in de woods, so me' chue-lov dai mong dem son. Ah d'siddoung unda he' shadow, hooh Ah d'laung-faw: an he' fruit dee dai sweet to me' palaet.

2:4. He bring me in in de cellaa au wien, he set in awda good-lov in me.

2:5. Stay me up wid flowa, span me roung wid apl: becoz Ah languish wid lov.

2:6. He' leff han dai unda me' head, an he' right han gho embrais me.

2:7. Ah really-coman alyoo, O dawta au Jerusalem, bie dem roe-deay, an all dem deay in de fheel, dhat alyoo dho stuhrup, nau maik de chue-lov to waikup, till she pleez.

2:8. De vois au me' chue-lov, lookhow he coumen leapen pon dem mountain, skippen ova dem hill.

2:9. Me' chue-lov dai liek a roe-deay, aw a young deay. Lookhow he stannenup behieyn we' wall, looken choo dem weendow, looken choo dem lattis.

2:10. Lookhow me' chue-lov speaken to me: Riezup, maik hais, me' lov, me' dov, me' beutiful huon, an coum.

2:11. Faw winta now dai in de pahs, de rain dai ova an gon.

2:12. Dem flowa doun appeah in we' lan, de tiem faw pruenen coum: de vois au de tutl gheh heay in we' lan:

2:13. De fig tree doun poot out she' green fig: dem vien in flowa yeel dhey' sweet smell. Riezup, me' lov, me' beutiful huon, an coum:

2:14. Me' dov in dem cleff in de rock, in dem hollow plais in de wall, show me yoo' fais, leh yoo' vois soung in me' aez: faw yoo' vois dai sweet, an yoo' fais pretty.

2:15. Kech os dem litl fox dha destroy de vien: faw we' vienghiaadn doun flourish.

2:16. Me' chue-lov to me, an Me to him hoo feeden mong dem lily,

2:17. Till de day braek, an dem shadow retiea. Coumback: me' chue-lov, dai liek a roe-deay, aw a young deay pon dem mountain au Bettuh.


Kianticl ova kianticl Chapta 3


3:1. In me' bed bie night Ah d'seek him hooh me' soul lov: Ah d'seek him, an deen fieyn him.

3:2. Ah gho riezup, an gho go roung de city: in de street an dem broad way Ah gho seek him hooh me' soul lov: Ah d'seek him, an Ah deen fieyn him.

3:3. Dem watchman hoo keep de city, fieyn me: ¿Yoo doun see him, hooh me' soul lov?

3:4. Wen a litl Ah dee pass bie dem, Ah d'fieyn him hooh me' soul lov: Ah d'hohl him: an Ah een gho leh him go, till Ah bring him in in me' modha' houss, an intu de chaimba faw she dha d'beah me.

3:5. Ah really-coman alyoo, O dawta au Jerusalem, bie dem roe-deay an all dem deay in dem fheel, dhat alyoo dho stuhrup, nau waikup me' chue-lov, till she pleez.

3:6. ¿Hoo she dai dha gohen up bie de dessot, as a pillaa au smoek from sweet-smellen spiess, from muhh, an frankincens, an from all dem powda au de pofuem-maika?

3:7. ¿Seehow sixty valiant huon au de moes valiant in Israel, surroung de bed au Soloman?

3:8. All hohlen soad, an moes exput in wau: evry man' soad pon he' tigh, becoz au feah in de night.

3:9. King Soloman doun maik him a wauken-chaih from de wood au Libanus:

3:10. Dem pillaa waih-daigh he maik from silva, de seat from gohl, de gohen up from pupl: de mids he cova wid good-lov faw dem dawta au Jerusalem.

3:11. Go owt, alyoo dawta au Sieon, an see king Soloman in de royal-headbann, wid-waw he' modha croung him in de day au de joy au he' haht.



Kianticl ova kianticl Chapta 4


4:1. How beutiful yoo dai, me' lov, how beutiful yoo dai! yoo' iey dai dov' iey, nex to waw gheh hied insied yoo' veil. Yoo' haih dai as flock au goat, waw coum up from mount Galaad.

4:2. Yoo' teet as flock au sheep, dha gheh sheah, waw coum up from de washen, all wid twin, an ih een ha non barryn mong dem.

4:3. Yoo' lip dai as a skiaalet lais: an yoo' speech sweet. Yoo' cheek dai as a peess au a pomegranaet, besied dhat waw laydoung hied insied.

4:4. Yoo' neck dai as de towa au David, waw gheh buill wid bulwauk: a towsn aam-sheel hang pon it, all de aama au valiant man.

4:5. Yoo' two bress liek two young roe-deay dha dai twin, waw feed mong dem lily.

4:6. Till de day braek, an dem shadow retiea, Ah gho go to de mountain au muhh, an to de hill au frankincens.

4:7. Yoo dai all faih, O me' lov, an ih een ha a spot in yoo.

4:8. Coum from Libanus, me' spouss, coum from Libanus, coum: yoo gho gheh croung from de top au Amana, from de top au Sanih an Hommon, from de denn au dem lieon, from dem mountain au dem leopaad.

4:9. Yoo doun woong me' haht, me' sista, me' spouss, yoo doun woong me' haht wid huon au yoo' iey, an wid huon haih au yoo' neck.

4:10. How beutiful yoo' bress dai, me' sista, me' spouss! yoo' bress dai mo beutiful dan wien, an de sweet smell au yoo' ointment ova all sweet-smellen spiess.

4:11. Yoo' lip, me' spouss, dai as a droppen honeycoam, honey an milk dai unda yoo' tung; an de smell au yoo' ghiaament, as de smell au frankincens.

4:12. Me' sista, me' spouss, dai a ghiaadn cloes-roung, a ghiaadn cloes-roung, a foungtain sealup.

4:13. Yoo' plant andem dai a paradies au pomegranaet wid de fruit au de ochaad. Cypress wid spieknaad.

4:14. Spieknaad an saffron, sweet caen an cinnamon, wid all dem tree in Libanus, muhh an aloes wid all dem cheef pofuem.

4:15. De foungtain in ghiaadn: de well au liven watta, waw run wid a strong stream from Libanus.

4:16. Riezup, O nodt ween, an coum, O soudt ween, blow choo me' ghiaadn, an leh dem sweet-smellen spiess waih-daigh flow.



Kianticl ova kianticl Chapta 5


5:1. Leh me' chue-lov coum in in he' ghiaadn, an eat de fruit from he' apl tree. Ah coum in in me' ghiaadn, O me' sista, me' spouss, Ah doun ghiadda me' muhh, wid me' sweet-smellen spiess: Ah doun eat de honeycoam wid me' honey, Ah doun drink me' wien wid me' milk: eat, O fren alyoo, an drink, an gheh maik-high, me' deah chue-lov alyoo.

5:2. Ah sleep, an me' haht watchen: de vois au me' chue-lov knocken: Opn to me, me' sista, me' lov, me' dov, me' een-defiel: faw me' head dai full au dew, an me' locks wid dem drop from de night.

5:3. Ah doun taik off me' ghiaament, ¿how Ah gho poot it on? Ah doun wash me' foot, ¿how Ah gho defiel dem?

5:4. Me' chue-lov poot he' han choo de key hoel, an me' bowel dee gheh moov at he' touch.

5:5. Ah d'riezup to opn to me' chue-lov: me' han drop wid muhh, an me' finga andem dee dai full au de choisis muhh.

5:6. Ah d'opn de bolt in me' doh to me' chue-lov: bot he dee toun asied, an dee gon. Me' soul melt wen he speak: Ah d'seek him, an deen fieyn him: Ah d'call, an he deen ansa me.

5:7. Dem keepa dha go roung de city fieyn me: dhey striek me: an woong me: dem keepa au dem wall taik away me' veil from me.

5:8. Ah really-coman alyoo, O dawta au Jerusalem, if alyoo fieyn me' chue-lov, dhat alyoo tell him dhat Ah languish wid lov.

5:9. ¿Waw manna au huon yoo' chue-lov dai mong dem chue-lov, O yoo moes beutiful mong ooman? ¿waw manna au huon yoo' chue-lov dai mong de chue-lov, dhat yoo ha real-coman au os so?

5:10. Me' chue-lov dai wiet an ruddy, choozout out au towsn.

5:11. He' head dai as de fienis gohl: he' locks as branch au pahm tree, black as a raevn.

5:12. He' iey as dov pon brook au watta, waw gheh wash wid milk, an siddoung besied dem plentiful stream.

5:13. He' cheek dai as bed au sweet-smellen spiess set bie dem pofuem-maika. He' lip dai as lily droppen choiss muhh.

5:14. He' han dai couv an as gohl, full au hyacintt. He' belly as ievry, set wid sapphiea.

5:15. He' leg as pillaa au maabl, dha gheh set pon bais au gohl. He' fom as from Libanus, excellent as dem cedaa.

5:16. He' choat moes sweet, an he dai all lovly: so me' chue-lov dai, an he dai me' fren, O alyoo dawta au Jerusalem.

5:17. ¿Tu-waih yoo' chue-lov gon, O yoo moes beutiful mong ooman? ¿tu-waih yoo' chue-lov gheh toun asied, an we gho seek him wid yoo?



Kianticl ova kianticl Chapta 6


6:1. Me' chue-lov gon doung in he' ghiaadn, to de bed au sweet-smellen spiess, to feed in de ghiaadn, an to ghiadda lily.

6:2. Me to me' chue-lov, an me' chue-lov to me, hoo feeden mong dem lily.

6:3. Yoo dai beutiful, O me' lov, sweet an pretty as Jerusalem: terrabl as a aamy setup in array.

6:4. Toun away yoo' iey from me, faw dhey doun maik me run-away-liek-de-ween. Yoo' haih dai as a flock au goat, dha appeah from Galaad.

6:5. Yoo' teet as a flock au sheep, waw coum up from de washen, all wid twin, an ih een ha non barryn mong dem.

6:6. Yoo' cheek dai as de baak au pomegranaet, besied waw gheh hied insied.

6:7. Ih ha sixty queen, an eighty concubien, an young maidn-gheol widout numba.

6:8. Me' dov dai huon, me' pofeck huon dai juss huon, she dai de ony huon au she' modha, de choozout-huon au she dha d'beah haa. Dem dawta see haa, an declae haa moes bless: dem queen an concubien, an dhey praiz haa.

6:9. ¿Hoo she dai dha coumen owt as de monnen riezenup, faih as de moon, bright as de sun, terrabl as a aamy setup in array?

6:10. Ah dee go doung in de ghiaadn au nut, to see de fruit au dem valley, an to look if de vienghiaadn dee flourish, an dem pomegranaet d'bud.

6:11. Ah deen noh: me' soul troubl me faw dem chariot au Aminadab.

6:12. Coumback, coumback, O Sulamietess: coumback, coumback dhat we kood lookansee yoo.



Kianticl ova kianticl Chapta 7


7:1. ¿Waw yoo gho see in de Sulamietess bot de company au kiamp? How beutiful yoo' step dai in shoe, O prins' dawta! Dem joint au yoo' tigh dai liek jewel, dha gheh maik bie de han au a skilful wuckman.

7:2. Yoo' naibl dai liek a roung bowl naeva wanten cup. Yoo' belly dai liek a heap au wheat, set roung wid lily.

7:3. Yoo' two bress dai liek two young roe-deay dha dai twin.

7:4. Yoo' neck as a towa au ievry. Yoo' iey liek dem fishpool in Hesebon, waw dai in de gaet au de dawta au de whoel-lot. Yoo' noez dai as de towa au Libanus, dha look towauds Damascus.

7:5. Yoo' head dai liek Caamel: an dem haih on yoo' head as de pupl on de king bieyn-up in dem cuhl.

7:6. How beutiful yoo dai, an how pretty, me' deahris, in delight!

7:7. Yoo' stattia dai liek a pahm tree, an yoo' bress liek a clusta au graip.

7:8. Ah say: Ah gho go up in de pahm tree, an gho taik hohl au de fruit waih-daigh: an yoo' bress gho dai as dem clusta au de vien: an de sweet-smell au yoo' moutt liek apl.

7:9. Yoo' choat liek de bess wien, wotty faw me' chue-lov to drink, an faw he' lip an he' teet to nibl on.

7:10. Me to me' chue-lov, an he' tounen dai towauds me.

7:11. Coum, me' chue-lov, leh we go owt in de fheel, leh we abied in dem villaej.

7:12. Leh we ghet up ully to dem vienghiaadn, leh we see if de vienghiaadn flourish, if dem flowa dai ready to bring owt fruit, if dem pomegranaet flourish: daigh Ah gho ghih yoo me' bress.

7:13. Dem mandraik ghih off a smell. In we' gaet all fruit dai: de new an de ohl, me' chue-lov, Ah doun keep faw yoo.



Kianticl ova kianticl Chapta 8


8:1. ¿Hoo gho ghih yoo to me faw me' bredha, sucken de bress au me' modha, dhat Ah kood fieyn yoo outsied, an kiss yoo, an now no man kood despies me?

8:2. Ah gho taik hohl au yoo, an bring yoo in in me' modha' houss: daigh yoo gho teach me, an Ah gho ghih yoo a cup au spiess wien an new wien from me' pomegranaet.

8:3. He' leff han unda me' head, an he' right han gho embrais me.

8:4. Ah really-coman alyoo, O dawta au Jerusalem, dhat alyoo dho stuhrup, nau waikup me' lov till she pleez.

8:5. ¿Hoo dis dai dha coumen up from de dessot, flowen wid delight, leanen pon she' chue-lov? Unda de apl tree Ah d'raiz yoo up: daigh yoo' modha dee gheh corrup, daigh she dha beah yoo dee gheh deflowa.

8:6. Poot me as a seal pon yoo' haht, as a seal pon yoo' aam, faw lov dai strong as dedt, jealousy as haad as hell, dem lamp waih-daigh dai fiea an flaim.

8:7. A lot au watta keya quench good-lov, nieda dem flood kood droung it: if a man shood ghih all de substans au he' houss faw lov, he gho despies it as nottn.

8:8. We' sista dai litl, an een-ha no bress. ¿Waw we gho doo to we' sista in de day wen she ha to gheh speak to?

8:9. If she dai a wall: leh we buill pon it bulwauk au silva: if she dai a doh, leh we join it toghiada wid boad from cedaa.

8:10. Ah dai a wall: an me' bress dai as a towa sinss Ah coumout in he' presans as huon fieynen peeys.

8:11. De peeys-loven dee ha a vienghiaadn, in dhat waw ha peopl: he leh out de saim to keepa, evry man bringen faw de fruit waih-daigh a towsn peess au silva.

8:12. Me' vienghiaadn dai infront me. A towsn dai faw yoo, de peeys-loven, an two hundred faw dem dha keep de fruit waih-daigh.

8:13. Yoo dha dwell in dem ghiaadn, yoo' fren andem lissnen-well: maik me heay yoo' vois.

8:14. Run-away-liek-de-ween, O me' chue-lov, an dai liek de roe-deay, an liek de young deay pon dem mountain au sweet-smellen spiess.